About Us

Who is ARJ

Hi, It’s me ARJ(Nickname short for Abdul Rehman Javaid). I am a website developer and a tech enthusiast. I am also kind of a fitness enthusiast now as well. And well, I am also the main author of this website. I like to read at times and quite also passionately write as well. I mean imagine writing this paragraph on a Sunday evening in a decent quite ranty weather… well I am doing it right now and yes I am happy! Cuz I like to read and write for some reason…

Abdul Rehman Javaid - ARJ
ARJ reading a book at a cafe in Karachi

What This Website Has To Offer You?

Ok, now that you have seen me and know what I do let’s discuss what this blog has to offer you. This blog aims to help people like me and you, make better decisions while buying/renting houses. Let’s be honest, buying or renting a house anywhere in the world can be an extremely tedious task and can also be challenging. I mean we are talking about real estate agents, tax forms and similar crazy stuff.

This blog website has all the blogs divided into categories to help you make the best decision and to guide you in whatever you need at the exact moment.

Abdul Rehman Javaid- ARJ
ARJ facilitating at a local youth conference

Does this website seem good? I have other websites as well! Remember I told you that I am a website developer? Seems that I have a few more websites that you might like to visit.

Hosting Reviews Blog:

Healthy Recipes Blog:

  • Name of the Website: RecipeBookmarks.com
  • Overview of the website: As the name suggests this website is all about Recipes. But just any recipe. Healthy recipes catered to either bulking for skinny people (like me) or cutting for people to lose that belly fat.
  • The two themes:
    • Bulking: Weight-gaining recipes
    • Cutting: Weight loss recipes/Fat-loss recipes while gaining muscle

Ahh, that’s it for now. Hope you enjoyed reading through this blog. Have an amazing day.

Regards, ARJ